3-4 Set Logic

What is interesting about 3-4 Set is that there are more than 30 different games with many more different layouts and hundreds of appearances since there are dozens of images used for the game. It will take time to master all variations of the game.

The game can be played as 3 set, which is somewhat more difficult than tic tac toe, as 4 set for a more difficult challenge or Random for the ultimate game. The board contains 3 or 4 sets of game pieces depending on the game setting choice. In a standard game the first set contains 1 item, the second set contains 3 items, the third set contains 5 items and if there is a 4th set it contains 7 items. The game can also be played with a Random number of game pieces for each set (3, 5, or 7 pieces). Players alternate turns.

Start of a 3Set Game

A turn requires a player to remove from one set, one or more items by tapping game pieces. When an item or piece is tapped/selected, it will look smaller and be opaque (see through). A turn is completed when the player uses the Accept button or double taps the last piece they take for their turn (single taps where there are no pieces to select or taps in another pile from where they are taking pieces also works). The second player then removes one or more items from a set. Players can only remove items from one set each turn. The player whose turn is next appears at the top left and bottom of the screen. Remember to Accept, double click your last piece or click in an empty space to end a turn.

Part Way Through a 4Set Random Game

The player who forces his/her opponent to select the last item on the board is the winner. Please be careful, if you accidentally take the last piece in your move, you lose. This makes it more of a challenge to remember the goal is not to take the last piece but leave it to be taken. The winner receives 1 point and a new game starts. Players determine the number of games they wish to play against their opponent. Games are not saved.

Player 2 About to Lose Having to Take the Last Piece
Player 2 Wins and Game Resets

Player’s names can be added by clicking on the name fields or in the Settings page (gear icon) . < Back dismisses the Settings page.

Add Names and/or Play Against HAL9000

Play against the computer by entering HAL9000 as one of the player’s names (all capital letters, no spaces beginning or end). You may have to start HAL off since he isn’t always paying attention. Sometimes HAL may need some help making a move. After all HAL has never been the same since 2001 and won’t give much of a battle once HAL’s strategies are known however that does not mean HAL is not a worthy player.

HAL in a winning situation is happy and all is green! However if HAL is about to lose, well, HAL does not want to accept this! Take HAL’s turn so HAL doesn’t get upset and try to ignore his burning stare and erroneous belief. When you are an expert in the standard 3 game you can always beat HAL when you start a game (and HAL will always win when HAL is first so use the simple game to get a good feel for the game play (and look great against your new opponents until they learn your skilled manoeuvres)).

Careful, sometimes HAL makes a suspicious move! Mix up your first move to give HAL a chance once you know the secret to winning various games to see how many different ways you can win. The loser starts each new game.

Don’t Want HAL to be Too Deluded

Reset All erases all scores and names and completely resets the game board.

Use the 3 Set or 4 Set buttons to change the game being played.

Use the Random button to change the current 3 or 4 set game to have either 3, 5 or 7 pieces in each panel.

This game provides opportunities for exploring and learning winning strategies. Game patterns will become apparent after playing the game many times. Challenge yourself by learning patterns to improve winning chances against your opponents or HAL. It will be easy to discover a pattern for winning the standard 3 set game. It will be much harder for random 3 set or standard 4 set or random 4 set games. A hint is 1, 1, 1 (0) is a winning combination. That is if you leave only one piece in 3 of the piles and 0 in the fourth if playing a 4 set game, then you will win!

Game written and designed by George Moon; game concept by John Lester.

Images used in 3-5 Set Logic are from https://pixabay.com; royalty free stock photos shared by their generous community.